
Induction Loops

Induction loops are essential if you have persons with hearing impairments onsite

Audio-Frequency Induction Loop Systems (AFILS)

Blazequel offers a complete range of Audio-Frequency Induction Loop Systems (AFILS) from portable units to fully installed fixed installations. However small or large your application, you can have absolute confidence that Blazequel will deliver the best solution for you.

The whole process from initial consultation through In-house system design, installation and commissioning is cared for by an experienced team. Furthermore, each team member shares the vision to provide you with First Class Customer Care and Service at every stage.

Every application is considered on its own merits in view of providing the best and most affordable and compliant solution.

What are AFILS?

Audio-frequency Induction Loop Systems (AFILS) allow hearing impaired people to hear more clearly. Most hearing aids have a ‘T’ or ‘MT’ switch which allows them to pick up the electromagnetic field generated by an induction loop system. The hearing aid converts this signal into a sound suited to its user’s specific hearing requirements.

Any person with a hearing aid positioned within or near the loop can hear the loop signal by switching their hearing aid to the correct position, allowing them to participate more effectively in general conversation, ordering goods or services, listening to public performances, etc.

Are they mandatory?

According to Action On Hearing Loss (formerly the Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID)):

  • Over 10 million people (one in six of the UK population) are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • An estimated 2 million of these people have hearing aids.

Lobbying by such organizations has led to increased awareness of the difficulties faced by the hearing impaired, so much so that numerous Standards, Acts and Schemes now recommend the provision of auxiliary aids such as induction loop systems for the hard of hearing in new buildings and retrospectively in existing establishments.

Contact us today for more information and advice about Induction Loops

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