
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is an essential part of keeping your company safe from the risk of an electrical appliance fire.

Portable Appliance Testing should be carried out on a yearly basis. This is to ensure that all portable electrical equipment is in a safe condition. Essentially, it is the yearly electrical health check. It is designed to help prevent electrical faults that could cause problems or even lead to overheating and potential fires. Regular PAT Testing also serves to provide an accurate asset register.

It involves complex procedures that involve many multiple examinations with multiple variables. Therefore, Electrical PAT Testing, should be performed by qualified electricians and/or electrical testers, using reliable electrical tester equipment.

Once tested, placing a portable appliance testing label on the appliance with a ‘PASS’, will mark the required safety measures have been taken. Conversely, a ‘FAIL’ will mean the appliance has not met all the testing parameters and should not be used.

PAT labels will also specify the date on which the most recent test was conducted, the next date of testing required, as well as the name and contact details of the testing agency.
To ensure the essential safety for your work place or home, it is important to PAT test your electrical appliances by using the right electrical testing equipment, the right way.

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