
Fire safety solutions
for schools



Our mission is to solve fire and security challenges.
In education, these challenges range from false alarms to unexpected costs. With Blazequel’s expertise, these issues are history.

That’s where Blazequel comes in.

Schools are where futures are shaped. To make the most of every moment, it’s crucial for your school to be a safe environment for all activities.

Make schools safer from fires! Contact us now to discover how you can be part of the solution.



Did you know that arson, electrical issues, cooking mishaps, and faulty heating systems top the list of fire culprits in schools? They not only come with hefty financial burdens but also disrupt learning, damage property, and put lives at risk.

But fret not! We’ve got you covered with our 10 TIPS FOR ENSURING FIRE SAFETY IN SCHOOLS. Keep your institution safe and compliant with these handy tips. Let’s keep those flames in check together!

What makes us different?

As most of our management team are involved in a voluntary capacity at local schools, we have first-hand knowledge of the hectic schedules you contend with when running an educational facility. You’ll find our helpful approach and proactive communication a breath of fresh air, making compliance easy.

Because we also understand the passion you feel for your school, we’ll go out of our way to make sure you can focus on making it a great place to learn – safe in the knowledge that it’s always a safe place to learn. Our comprehensive EasiComply Fire Safety Compliance package ensures there are no loopholes in your fire safety strategy, leaving
you with full compliance and complete peace of mind.



EasiComply - Compliance Made Simple

That’s our motto when working with schools, because Blazequel understands that you don’t
have time to waste. Whilst fire safety is hugely important, it shouldn’t be a time-sapping
distraction to the detriment of your other responsibilities.

Our EasiComply packages ensure that you’re kept safe and compliant whilst proactively
minimising hassle.

Our Promises


Complete Fire & Security Risk Management Solutions

We go beyond just servicing fire equipment. We handle compliance for all aspects of fire and
security protection. Each school is unique, so we customize your package to fit your specific
needs – whether it’s basic fire equipment servicing or our full fire safety compliance solution.
Regardless of the scope, our commitment to making your school safer and your life easier
remains steadfast.

Easy Budgeting

Drawing from our firsthand experience in managing schools on tight budgets, we understand
the challenge of finding extra funds when issues arise. Our all-inclusive service packages
alleviate these concerns throughout the agreement, offering a consistent monthly budget
for your needs.


Fire Safety Compliance boils down to one simple objective – to ensure that everyone can escape
safety in the event of a fire. Life is irreplaceable. Everything else is secondary.

That’s why it is essential to ensure that your fire strategies and plans are robust and up to date,
escape routes are protected, fire doors are intact and that everyone knows your evacuation

Our professional team are on hand to help you ensure that you are truly compliant with your
obligations under fire safety legislation and that your school is a safe place to learn, work and play.

Fire Risk Assessment

At the heart of your school's fire safety strategy is your fire risk assessment: a complete review of all the fire safety measures onsite. It's essential that it is professionally conducted and kept up to date.

Fire Evacuation Plans

What is your procedure for ensuring everyone escapes in the event of fire? Our professional assessors can design, review and produce plans for your school.

Fire Documentation Review

Protect your school with accurate documentation to demonstrate your commitment to compliance. One of our knowledgeable advisors can thoroughly inspect your documentation to ensure your compliance can never be brought into question.

Fire Compartmentalisation Survey

Even the perfect fire door will not work if the fire break in the ceiling above the door has been breached. Fire compartments are an unseen yet critical part of passive fire protection. If yours is an older building not subject to present-day building regulations, you may be in serious need of a review.

Fire Door Surveys

Fire doors are life-saving devices, containing the spread of smoke and flames to allow safe evacuation. With the extrmely high usage level of doors in schools, it is essential that you have regular checks to ensure they are still compliant.


Fire moves quickly, so swift action is essential if a fire occurs. Training is crucial to ensure everyone can evacuate safely. In a potentially panic-inducing situation, calm and orderly evacuation results from proactive training. Practical experience with fire extinguishers is also vital, ensuring your staff know how to handle a small fire in an emergency and whether it’s
safe to do so.

Fire Drills

Regular fire drills are crucial for ensuring the entire school can safely evacuate in case of a fire and should be conducted at least every six months. Our fire drill assessment service involves our professional team collaborating with you to enhance the realism of your drills and offers essential recommendations for improving your procedures.

Fire Safety Training

Our concise and widely favored courses enable staff to swiftly grasp the fundamentals of fire safety procedures and evacuation, offering practical experience in fire extinguisher use. The comprehensive fire marshal training course equips all involved in coordinating fire safety evacuation procedures with the knowledge and confidence needed to fulfill their responsibilities.

Fire Training Testimonial

“All the people I have spoken to have comment how they enjoyed your training, thank you”

“Your trainer for the Fire Marshal Training was excellent. 
His delivery style made the training interesting, enjoyable and informative.”
“Just want to feed back that I thought the training today was excellent.
I really liked the opportunity to have a go and discuss with a real firefighter rather than just theory in a meeting room.
The trainer clearly wanted to give us all the confidence to pick up and use an extinguisher.
Many thanks for organising.”


Complete Fire Safety Maintenance Solutions

The fire safety assets on your premises serve as the initial defense against a fire, making it essential to ensure that all equipment and systems are properly installed, maintained, and updated. From portable fire extinguishers to fire and intruder alarms, each asset plays a crucial role in safeguarding your school from potential devastation. With our EasiComply Fire Safety Maintenance packages, you can rest assured that you’re covered from every angle, with a single reliable point of contact for all your fire safety needs.No need to waste time and energy managing multiple providers – we simplify compliance for you.

Fire Fighting Equipment

Portable Fire Extinguishers & Hose Reels are essential 'First Aid' fire fighting devices. In a fire, you don't have a second to waste which is why it's essential that they are properly maintained in readiness for the moment of need.

Fire Alarms

Your Fire Alarm system is probably the most important Fire Safety asset onsite. Our team of specialists can design, install and maintain almost any type of fire alarm - even the 'closed protocol' type!

Tamper Protection Soluitions

From false fire alarm activations through to discharged or missing extinguishers, schools are a hotspot for equipment tampering. Almost always these issues can be prevented with our simple anti-tamper devices for all application.

Water Mist Fire Extinguisher

The revolutionary Water Mist fire extinguisher is able to tackle every single type of fire that's like to occur at school, as the water atomises as it leaves the nozzle, increasing its surface area and reducing collateral damage.

Automatic Fire Fighting Systems

Every school has areas of high risk or critical operational dependency, from canteen fryers to electrical distribution and server areas. Whether you need to protect the entire school with sprinklers, or just a key risk area with a targeted suppression system to protect your kitchen and server rooms, Blazequel can assist with the design, installation and maintenance of the perfect solution.

Emergency Lighting

Emergency Lighting will guide you to safety in the event of a fire. Proper maintenance is essential, and our experienced electricians are excellent at installing and reparing these systems.

Electrical Testing

PAT and IEE testing is an essential part of ensuring that you are protected from the risk of electrical fires. Our competent engineers will provide a non-intrusive service without cutting any corners.

Intruder & CCTV Systems

Arson is probably one of the biggest fire risks to your school, so a proper designed and maintained security system is a key part of protecting your school from the risks of intrusion or vandalism.

Are you ready to prioritize safety?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us, or you can easily fill out the form below. We’re here to assist you.