
IEE Testing

Electrical Circuit Testing is an essential part of protecting your company from an electrical fire and is a legal requirement.

IEE – Fixed Wiring Installation Testing

Fixed wiring installation testing (IEE) involves the testing of electrical services and systems that conduct electricity around a building. It covers all of the hard wiring in a building. This includes items such as main panels, distribution boards, lighting, socket outlets and air conditioning.

Fixed wire installation testing involves performing a sequence of rigorous visual inspections and electrical tests on all systems in the building. Therefore, it should be performed more regularly in more demanding environments and by certified technicians

Employers are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of both their employees and members of the public on site and to ensure that they are not at risk from their work activities. Therefore, Fixed Wiring Installation Testing should be carried out every 5 years in most industrial and commercial premises. Full reporting is provided and any remedial requirements highlighted.

For more information on IEE testing, please call 01234 357357 or contact us on the quick form below.

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