
CO2 Fire Extinguishers

Best for Class B, E Fires

Fire Extinguishers

The CO2 Fire Extinguishers labeled in black, are widely used for electrical fires and are commonly found in computer server rooms and general office use. They are also effective for extinguishing Class B (flammable liquid) fires:

  • Class B (Flammable Liquids: Petrol, solvents, spirits), and
  • Electrical Fire Risk

CO2 extinguishers are quite unique among the extinguishers that we have available in the UK because it is in itself a pressurized gas rather than a medium pressurized by a gas. It also has the advantage that it is a clean agent and it is the only portable extinguisher in the UK having this capacity which means that if there is a small fire, it can safely be extinguished with the CO2 and it will leave no residue behind it and will cause no harm to sensitive electrical equipment, so it is the ideal extinguisher to have in close proximity to electrical risks.

And in the latest edition of BS5306, we are obliged to install an extinguisher which can fight an electrical risk such as CO2 within 10 meters of any electrical equipment.

The CO2 comes out at very, very low temperature, the frost-free horn, which discharges it must not be held while in use or freeze burns can come from it. It is also worthy of note that, that for safety, never ever try to use a CO2 extinguisher without a horn because otherwise, the CO2 come out in liquid form and causes a great deal of damage and injury.

The disadvantage of CO2 is that it disperses reasonably rapidly. It’s a fairly short discharge. Within 10 seconds the extinguisher is empty, and the CO2 then disperses. So, if there is a fire which has generated some heat, once a CO2 has dispersed, the oxygen will come back, causing the possibility of re-ignition.

So, it extinguishes the fire by smothering, but smothering alone, it doesn’t remove the heat, neither does it remove the fuel. And can only temporarily remove the oxygen. So it’s a very good extinguisher to have, but it’s seldom good enough on its own. We would normally recommend another extinguisher with it. And training needs to be given so that the users know what to use at the appropriate times.

Some key points to remember about using a CO2 Fire Extinguishers

  • Thermal Shock Caution: However, be cautious at very close ranges, especially with delicate PCBs, as the cold discharge temperature could cause ‘thermal shock.’
  • Handle with Care: CO2 extinguishers are pressurized at approximately 51 bar (740 psi). Damaging them can have severe consequences, so always handle them with respect.
  • Frost Burn: During discharge, the nozzle can become extremely cold and cause serious frost burns if touched. Keep your hands away from it.
  • Ventilation Matters: After use, ensure the area is well-ventilated. This allows the CO2 gas to disperse safely.

Protect your spaces efficiently

Contact us now to learn more about CO2 Fire Extinguishers and how they can be an essential part of your fire safety plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

CO2 fire extinguishers work by displacing oxygen, which is essential for combustion. The discharge of carbon dioxide gas removes the oxygen from the fire, effectively extinguishing it.

CO2 fire extinguishers are primarily designed for use on Class B (flammable liquids) and fires involving electrical equipment. They are not effective for Class A (solids) fires.

Yes, CO2 extinguishers are safe to use fires involving electrical equipment because the gas does not conduct electricity, making it suitable for extinguishing fires involving live electrical equipment.

CO2 extinguishers are clean and leave no residue, making them suitable for use on sensitive electronic equipment. They are also non-conductive and safe for use on electrical fires.

CO2 extinguishers can be used outdoors, but their effectiveness may be reduced in windy conditions. It’s important to position yourself upwind while using them to avoid exposure to the discharged gas.

The duration of discharge depends on the size of the CO2 extinguisher. Smaller units may discharge in a matter of seconds, while larger units may last longer. Always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific details.

CO2 extinguishers are generally not recommended for Class F fires, which involve cooking oils and fats. They may not be as effective as specialized wet chemical extinguishers designed for kitchen fires.

CO2 extinguishers may have limited reach, and their effectiveness can be affected by factors such as wind. They may also be less effective on deep-seated fires or fires involving combustible metals.

Follow the PASS acronym: Pull the pin, Aim the nozzle, Squeeze the handle, and Sweep the nozzle from side to side at the base of the flames.

Using CO2 extinguishers in confined spaces can lead to a decrease in oxygen levels, so it’s important to exercise caution. Adequate ventilation is essential when using them in enclosed areas.

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