
Fire Induction Training Course

Fire Induction Training

Fire induction training has been designed to give all staff a basic knowledge of fire safety and confidence in using extinguishers in the event of a fire. The course duration is 30-45 minutes, and a certificate with the names of those present will be issued.

“Cost effective, fun and informative, our ever-popular Induction Training Course is a great way to give all your staff basic fire training”

Blazequel Fire Induction Training

In compliance with UK fire safety legislation, it is obligatory that all new employees (including those who are temporary, part-time, or seasonal), will undergo induction training in fire safety on their initial day of employment. This measure is crucial for minimizing risks not only to the employees themselves but also to their colleagues and the general public.

What topics are included in fire safety induction training?

  1. What to do if you discover a fire
  2. Raising the alarm
  3. Evacuation
  4. Theory of fire and the fire triangle
  5. Types of fire
  6. Types of extinguishers and their uses
  7. Safety tips when using extinguishers
  8. Instruction and demonstration of using extinguishers, during which the participants can experience letting off an extinguisher – a potentially invaluable experience in a real emergency.

We’ve crafted a fire safety induction training checklist for your convenience in implementing within your business. 

Training Testimonials

"Just want to feed back that I thought the training today was excellent. I really liked the opportunity to have a go and discuss with a real firefighter rather than just listen to theory in a meeting room. The trainer clearly wanted to give us all the confidence to pick up and use an extinguisher. Many thanks for organising."
"Would you please pass on the candidates thanks to Tyronne - they really enjoyed it and felt they had learnt a lot and would be confident to tackle a small fire. They were quite impressed that he was a firefighter so knew from experience what he was teaching them."

If you have any inquiries about fire safety training or wish to learn more about the courses we provide, contact us at +44 1234 357357 or complete the form below.  

To explore our fire safety awareness and fire marshal training options, visit our Trainings and Consultancy section. 

If you have questions call us at +44 (0)1234 357357 or email us at or book a free consultation with us.

Why Opt for Blazequel - The Fire Protection Specialists?

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